Wednesday, November 2, 2011

a happier halloween?

While passing out candy this monday we had several cold, wet, tired parents tell us wistfully they used to just sit on the porch, joyfully handing out candy. Now they're dragging a princess and a ninja from house to house repeating "did you say thank you?'
(to be fair, we may have been contributing to the envy because as we listened to them, we sipped from a warm thermos of 'adult apple cider'.)

One particularly chatty couple told use they used to make jello shots for parents to make the whole experience more palatable.

My idealistic mind is saying: when I'm forced to take a little one door to door, I'll be so full of love and adoration there will be no room for cynicism... or whiskey.

smile for mommy!

Until then, I hear you parents. I see your jello shots and I raise you one. Because right now we are childless and classy and our craft projects all involve alcohol.

(and to find out how to make fruit peel jello shots, go to this website and call 'NotMartha' a genius)

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