Sunday, February 24, 2013


I must say I'm so excited for tonight's Oscars. Its my favorite of the awards shows and its always so much better when you have a group with which to judge everything.

With some chinese food and boxed wine (don't judge) and pj's and a filled in ballot, I will kick back and enjoy the show. My favorite parts are always the super excited people who win "lesser" awards (they show an unabashed joy and awe for the honor of winning). I also love the fun things people say on twitter. My least favorite parts are the musical numbers, both the forced one at the opening and the long instrumental ones throughout (during those parts I'll just zone out and eat cheese.)

I haven't seen nearly enough of the movies to have a strong opinion. In fact, with no other basis than "I'd like to hear her speech", I'll be cheering for J.Law. And for no other reason than "I liked the book", I'll root for Life of Pi or Les Mis.

If you're the kind of person that uses the winners to help decide which movies you'll put into your Netflix cue, here is a comprehensive guide to all the major movies. (it was written by my cousin Ryan who watched pretty much every single one - he is my number one authority on all things pop culture, so I trust his words.)

 Are you doing anything fun for the oscars? Did you see any great movies this year? Do you agree that there's no way Seth will do as well with the Oscars as Tina and Amy did with the Golden Globes? Why can't they just host every thing? In fact, I'd rather watch them giving commentary about the Oscars then view the actual show... lets make that happen!


  1. Em,

    Just saw a few of the movies and here is my vote: Best Film: Argo, Best Male Actor: Daniel Day Lewis, Best Female: girl in Silver Lining Play book... Haven't put on the Oscars yet.. but loved some of movies.. Also, Zero Dark Thirty was very good.. Actually more good movies this year than most.. Enjoy!

    Aunty Stacy

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  3. saw 6 of the 9 best. missed zero, django, amor, and i have to say i think they got it right with most of the awards.
    although if i had a vote i might have gone with silver linings for best. and i would have given deniro best supporting.
    and life of pi was pretty amazing and you would have to give it serious consideration for best as well...
    good year for movies!

  4. Saw everything but Django and Amor... gotta say, I thought Lincoln should have won, or Silver Linings Playbook. Argo and Zero Dark Thirty were both good, but not best picture material. But then I didn't think The Hurt Locker was a best picture either.

    How do you give Argo Best Pic and not even nominate Ben Affleck for director?

    The Academy really seems to dislike both Affleck and Spielberg. It's really getting petty.

    Seth was meh. Some funny jokes. Too much showing off his singing voice. The "boob" song was okay for Family Guy, but I thought it uncool to childishly embarrass actresses at their premier career event.
