Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Big Day

As you all know today is the day.  We are up at 4am getting ready for what we have started to call the the day Emily can finally begin to heal and not the day she has brain surgery.  Here is the information that we found out yesterday:

- The Surgery is scheduled for 7:55am. 
- We have to be there at 5:30 for prep
- The operation should last about 3 hours
- The post-op recovery should be about 2 hours
- Therefore we should be getting the results around 11am and should be able to see her around 1pm
- During the operation only 3 people per patient are allowed in the surgical waiting room

I think we are glad that this is happening so early in the morning.  We have been holding the weight of it for months so to not have to think about it for a few hours that morning is probably best. 

At first we were discouraged about the hospital limiting us to three people to be there.  However, we realize that physical presents is not the true definition of being there for us.  The kind words, thoughts and prayers that have been sent our way leading up to this has been incredible and makes us realize that the number of people at the hospital does not matter.  The overwhelming support that you have and will continue to give us is really what matters.  You are all a blessing to us and we can not thank you enough as you have lifted us when we felt down and helped us get to this day in the best physical and emotional shape we could be in. Sorry if we could not say this to you individually.  Please know that we are so grateful.

'And the peace of god, which surpasses all understanding, well guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus'  Phillipians 4:7 (Thank you Amie)


  1. Love you both - thinking of you this morning! :o)

  2. We are standing with you before God.

  3. I am so looking forward to hearing that Emily is out of surgery. God Bless.

  4. Prayers are being sent for you.

  5. We're thinking of you both and sending prayers your way this morning. Can't wait to hear that she is safely through!

    And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelations 21:5

  6. We don't know each other, but I am a pastor in North Carolina with deep connections to the mission in Chiapas. Until yesterday I didn't know how extensive the consequences have been related to your injury. You are in my prayers today and will continue to be. Carl

  7. I'm thinking and praying for you Emma! I hope this last hour of surgery goes better than well and that your recovery is the same. God is good, no matter what. You are loved, no matter what.

  8. As with Carl above (he's my pastor and we're both friends with the Mills family), we don't know each other. I have heard of you over the years . . . I am heavily involved with the mission in Chiapas . . . and I didn't realize how extensive your injuries had been either. You are in my fervent prayers today and into the future. I pray for complete healing and for you and your husband to be surrounded by and filled with love and peace and joy. Happy Anniversary.

  9. We are thinking of you and praying for you. Much love .

  10. We love you Em. Be strong and god bless
