Thursday, February 14, 2013


People have a lot of mixed feelings about Valentines Day (according to an official poll of facebook messages), but I have to confess that I love it! I always have. My sister has the motto "in life, celebrate as many things as you can." So I go all in for holidays - flag day, arbor day, etc. I just want a reason to be happy.

This year is the first year Neil and I can't celebrate by watching Pitt play WVU (booo). But I have my lucky stars to thank because its also the year Die Hard 5 comes out! Hats off to my Dad's Christmas gift - a movie gift card for this purpose. What foresight and knowledge of my loves! (he even got us a gift card for the restaurant across the street - to make our valentines day complete!)
Yippie Ki V-Day!!

So if this is not a joyful day for you, maybe you have a chocolate allergy and a blah girlfriend, I understand and you're not alone.

In fact, here's our bracket club series results for the top 64 break-up songs - even if we all dislike the fact that Phil Collins didn't win.

*Did you know that Teddy Roosevelt's first wife and mother died on the same day, in the same house, on Feb 14th 1884?!?* So I'll also add, it could be worse.

There's a lot of love out there - romantic and otherwise - so maybe its a great day to dig deep and share it. Considering all the people that have been so amazing to me this year, my list of Valentines is just endless. I love you all quite a lot.
Its true.

I didn't get things together to send personal cards but please accept the following as tokens of my adoration (and thanks to the facebook friends that post links I can shamelessly reuse)...

As always, Puritan humor cracks me up

These kid's honest valentines are even funnier.

Of course I can't forget to say "a Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day to us all!"

My personal favorite (Go Pens!)...

and here's the best one from last year. Love Yinz!


  1. I know there was a lot of information there, but the take away for me was that 7 of my song suggestions actually made it to the bracket but only 3 made it out of the first round. I maintain that Glen Hansard is the king of the breakup songs, though. And I would like to close with one final thought - I'm not sure I want to live in a world where Justin Timberlake beats the Beatles.... at anything.

    1. Tim, it was bad towards the end. At one point we were just yelling "Brittany Spears" and "Dave Collier" at each other. And "The Rain" got a raw deal because that Mountain Goats song is awesome. Next month we'll get it right (maybe the beatles will somehow win best sports movie)

    2. Remember The Titans is the Beatles of sports movies. :)

  2. For us, tonight always means Valentine sushi. Nom, nom, nom.

    1. I love that tradition! We usually go for Pusades Garden (thai food) on fourth of july.
