Monday, October 29, 2012

Toddler Time

I had a wonderful weekend. I had such a great time with friends and birthday celebrations and out of town family and wine and cheese house party and a halloween gathering and a 5K! (more on the 5K later)

I have LOVED seeing people and being out n' about and testing the ceiling of my abilities (physical, mental, and social). However this monday morning I'm paying the fun tax... its a hefty fine.

Neil and I had a talk. We saw the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving filling in with events as I everyone gets excited that I'm feeling better and better.  But the fatigue that accompanies the fun also makes us re-evaluate some of our plans, and seek to find the balance between exploring my limits and getting some rest.

We've decided for the next few weeks we'll reinstate something we invented years ago: "TODDLER TIME" 

Simply put, Toddler Time is a self imposed regulatory system where I only do things a toddler would be allowed to do.

A Quick Guide to Toddler Time:
- Would you take a toddler to a loud, crowded restaurant? no
- Would you go to a steeler game with a toddler? sadly no (don't offer me tickets)
- Would you have nap time for a toddler? yes
- Would you take a toddler to the grocery store? at your own risk
- Would you come visit a toddler at their house? yes please! play date! just call first
- Would you take a toddler to a big house party? probably no
- Would you let a toddler cook dinner? help out, yes. go solo, nope.
- Would you have reading time with a toddler? big big yes!
and so on...

I'm sure I will continue to feel better and better. I hope to keep playing with the boundaries of what I can do. I don't mind venturing forward and pulling back. I want to reach my eventual goal, which is becoming a normal grown lady. So I don't want to stay very extra strict about toddler time and miss out on the whole point of recovery (which is recovering to a "normal").

But for now I will pull back on the reins a bit and settle in with some milk and cookies and a blanket... maybe a cartoon.


  1. you and Neil? awesome. The prayers and good thoughts are still pointed in your direction!

  2. I am on board for toddler time too! Does this make me anti-social? Hugs, Gabby.
