This is exciting to a vegetarian because while I've never cared much about meat - I've always loved me some sauces!
I couldn't tell you to this day what a chicken nugget tastes like... they were always just a vector for any and all dipping condiments I could get my hands on. To eat them plain? a waste of time. I could never conceive of such a thing.
So I can hardly help but be happy for the special treat we have this saturday - we are breaking out our hidden reserve, top shelf stuff...
Buffalo Trace Bourbon Barbeque Sauce
Last year my mother-in-law bought us a jar as a souvenir from her trip to Louisville (way better than a T-shirt, by the way) and we loved it so much we began rationing the minute we tried it. Then for christmas she surprised us by having some more of it shipped from Kentucky.
Now, after some consideration, we're sharing it with the family for the birthday party - I know, I know, so kind of us, so generous, right? We think so too.
I hope you also have a weekend with some culinary delights and if you choose to keep it to yourself I will not begrudge you one bit.
p.s. Don't worry about the word "bourbon" in the title - there's no alcohol in the sauce. Three year olds are crazy enough as it is, can you imagine how annoying they would be drunk? no thanks.
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