Maybe it's the chance to pick out the seedlings that will start your gardens.
Maybe it's the opportunity to watch a parade, drink green colored beer, and eat the perfect St Patty's Day treat.
Maybe its the $30 you'll win in the office pole if Baylor can just eek by with two more wins.
What have I been waiting for? That my best friend's baby will finally get here already!
So I'll say in my most petulant voice possible "commme oooonn"
We've waited so long. I just want to know if its a boy or girl. I want to see a button nose. I want to marvel at some tiny chubby feet. I want this baby to just freaking get here!
There are many proud aunties that feel like I do...
but don't worry about any of the others, little one,
because you're going to like me the most
(I'll always have gum and let you stay up late)
So friends, other than asking St Patrick to break a girl's water, I don't have anything else for you. I''ll just let Gus lead you into a great weekend...
I should mention that a healthy baby GIRL came into the world on March 16th - just like i had hoped and prayed it would happen! Maybe I'll post pictures later - I"ll have to clear it with her media relations department.